Friday, July 23, 2010


tgl 29 Juli nanti ( 1 more week) sekolah ku (SMA NEGERI 1 SENGKANG) akan mewakili kabupaten wajo untuk Lomba debat bahasa Inggris sesulawesi Selatan..., dana yang dibutuhkan untuk itu sebanyak 2,7 juta! setelah sedikit ku mark up! (biasa itu) dan jumlah dana segitu sedikit dibandingkan income sekolah (pembayaran komite) yang hampir 1 milyar lebih ( 900 siswa X 120 ribu X 12 bulan)!!! ketika saya ajukan proposal pada kepala sekolah (dia baru belajar jadi kepala sekolah) dia bilang tidak ada uang!!!!!loh uang sekolah pada kemana?????? heran saya!!!! ketika kepala sekolah yang lalu memimpin sekolah ini, berapa pun dana yang saya minta selalu dia ACC (setujui) malah beliau hasil sekolah ini pernah jadi juara 1 lomba pidato bahasa inggris se sulseL, dan jadi runner up lomba debat se sulsel!!! sekarang???? untuk tingkat RT dan RW pun sekolah ini tidak bisa bersuara!!! apa yang bisa kami (pelatih/guru) lakukan tampa dana yang memadai???? KEPSEK PELIT!!!!!!!! SEKE' SOJO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JENGKEL SEKALI KA!!!!!!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Abstract Andi Nursamsi. The Analysis of the Civil Servant Job Implementation Assessment Result towards The Teachers Working Motivation at State Senior High School of 1 Sengkang in Wajo regency.

Andi Nursamsi. The Analysis of the Civil Servant Job Implementation Assessment Result towards The Teachers Working Motivation at State Senior High School of 1 Sengkang in Wajo regency.( Supervised by Imran Ismail and Ismail Tolla). The objectives of the research are (1) to know and to analyze the influence of the civil servant job implementation assessment result towards the teachers working motivation at State Senior High School of 1 Sengkang in Wajo Regency, and (2) to know and to analyze the primary contribution factors towards the teachers working motivation at State Senior High School of 1 Sengkang in Wajo Regency. The kind of the research is survey. Sample was taken by total sampling. Collection of data was done through interview, questionnaire, and documentation. The obtained data then was analyzed by using multiple linear regressions. The results of research show that (1) civil servant job implementation assessment result influences positively and significantly the teachers working motivation at State Senior High School of 1 Sengkang in Wajo Regency and, (2) the working performance is the primary contribution factor towards the teachers working motivation at State Senior High School of 1 Sengkang in Wajo Regency

My Pretty wife

coba akses lagi

hari ini untuk pertama kalinya aku mengupload lewat blogku yang ini apa masih bisa...? coba kita lihat..............................

Monday, June 15, 2009

my hatret

I wanted to surf the internet but my beddu (the school keeper) did not want to connect the cable..he plugged it out...i was in anger..i wanna kill him as i killed an ant that bite me when i was a kid...

Sunday, May 24, 2009

my first kid

her name is fatimah,,,,her complete name is andi st. maharani ummi fatimah azzahra..she is so cute....she loves to eat salted fish that much contrary with my second child. fatimah s in the 4th grade in Elementary school. she used to study in islamic school but now she moves to general school for the reason that school far from her grandma house...she dreams about to go abroad someday. she keep telling me when our family move to other city? i told her one "Oneday" each time she asked me...

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Richard is very hard to be feed. Imam is always angry, he wants to play computer all d day long...